My trip

Where was I?

The past two years I wanted to make a beautiful trip somewhere, but not in place you see in the movies, not in place that you’re just going to go in and get a tan, go to the beach and be lazy, no I wanted my trip to be a thing!

So this is why I choose Australia, I wanted to go somewhere I could find history, several cultures at once and meet different people.

So for that I went in Australia for three months.

I visited each Capital of each states, starting from Sydney and ending with Melbourne on the 25th of January.

I went to a lot of Zoo, parks, but also in beautiful, speechless places like uluru. Uluru

Like I said, my trip ended the 25th of January when I went in Melbourne to visit one of my friend. Melbourne by day         Melbourne by night

The next day it was Australia Day, so we had a good night with a beautiful fireworks and of course a party! AUSDAYMelbourne

A propos de everythingyouhavetoknowaboutaustralia

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